doesnt that look amazing! it is getting so green. Mom and dads place looks great
this is a bunch of pics of the house in progress
welcome to Gallatin sign entering the town
we had some pretty crazy weather a couple of weeks ago. i was beginning to think i was dorothy on the wizard of oz. ha ha i swear it was a tornado. scary
cute Emme and my 7lb missouri ponch i gained ha ha
we all went to Nauvoo temple last week it was awsome. my friend donita went through for the first time.
i took the kids to the town park. they loved it.
Bradly took the boys shooting on my parents land last week. they thought they were so cool.
Easter was so fun, of course we miss all the friends and family back in AZ
Daddy wants to tell all his family he loves them and cant wait to see them. love you all